With less then 2 weeks left of our popular R100 & R101: Airships at Cardington Exhibition, it's high time we let you know what's coming up in the new year. Here is a preview of our new leaflet, which will be out soon.
High Kicks & Low Life: Toulouse-Lautrec prints - A British Museum Tour is our final exhibition before the gallery closes for a major redvelopment project. Read more about the redevelopment
here. The exhibition runs from 15th January - 10th April 2011.
Bedford Gallery will be closed from 19th December - 15th January whilst we changeover the exhibition. The curatorial staff will all be working hard over the Christmas holidays installing the works from the British Museum alongside some pieces from the Cecil Higgins Collection by contemporaries of Toulouse-Lautrec. We'll be sure to keep you updated with our progress and we hope that you're as excited as we are about the imminent arrival of so many Toulouse-Lautrec prints here in Bedford.